About Us

Who are we?

Safe Space Housing is a supported accommodation provider in Leeds, committed to alleviating homelessness and its detrimental effects in the Leeds area.

Male adults experiencing homelessness are often facing specific personal challenges and difficulties which means they have limited or no access to safe and secure living accommodation. At Safe Space we understand the significant ramifications this can have for vulnerable people in terms of both social exclusion and isolation, thereby impacting their ability to be self-sufficient and lead positive, productive lives. Through the provision of safe, high- quality managed housing, in conjunction with targeted support, we help empower these male adults to develop the skills and tools they need to engage positively with society and live wholly independent lives.

Our Mission and Vision

At Safe Space Housing, we strive to empower prison leaver to reintegrate into mainstream society through the provision of safe and secure accommodation and a tailored support programme.

Aims and Objectives:

  • Break the cycle of reoffending by addressing the real life needs of prison leavers through person centred support.
  • Raise the standards of service provision by providing sustainable solutions to the key issues that impact prison leavers.
  • Empower prison leavers, by promoting accountability for their own life choices and giving them the tools to live independent, fulfilled lives.

How will we achieve this?

Safe Space Housing is committed to ensuring that the needs of our service users inform ongoing strategic development, policies, and practice. We will achieve our goals by implementing the following approaches into our delivery model.
Psychologically Informed Support Service
Lived Experience Advisory Group (LEAG)
Holistic, Person-Centred Case Management Service
Ongoing Monitoring, Evaluation, and Review
Partnerships And Multi-Agency Approach

Who do we Support?

Male adults experiencing homelessness
Male adults with mental health issues
Male adults with physical disabilities
Male prison leavers
Male adults experiencing domestic abuse
Male adult refugees and adults at-risk