Frequently Asked Question

Find all the answers you need in our FAQs, whether it’s information about who Safe Space Housing is, details about the supports and services we provide to our service users.
Who is Safe Space Housing?

Safe Space Housing Limited is a non-profit organisation and supported accommodation provider committed to alleviating homelessness and its detrimental effects in the Leeds area.

How will Safe Space Housing work with me?

In the last year, we’ve helped over 100 service user to accommodate them and provide support as needed. Now, we’re here to support you at every step of your journey with Safe Space Housing.

What we'll do is:

  • In order to assist you discover the appropriate support, we'll take the time to hear you out and understand your circumstances.
  • We'll keep you informed and up to date, and we'll be adaptable enough that your strategy can alter if your circumstances do.
  • We'll secure your info.

What we don't do:

We'll never pass judgement on you or your situation. No matter the issue, our helpful staff is trained to assist all of our customers in finding the appropriate support.

How we secure your data?

In relation to service users’ personal details, background, and any safeguarding issues, this information should be kept between the relevant Support Worker and the management team, except in extenuating circumstances. Please see for more information Confidentiality and Information Sharing Policy

How can I reach you?

There are numerous methods to contact us. You can reach us by phone at 0113 418 0395 or send an email through our contact us page.

What times are you open?

Please visit our Contact Us page for the most recent updates to our hours of operation.

What happens if I get in touch with you?

We'll check your identification by asking you a few questions. After discussing your situation with you, we'll assist you find a solution that suits your needs. Always give us a chance to fully understand your circumstance.

Can I discuss my mental health with you?

We appreciate any details you're willing to provide that will assist us understand your situation. Our staff members are trained to pay attention and invest time in understanding your circumstance. They'll assist you in locating the best answer for you while being kind and patient.

Can I find you on social media channels?

You can find us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Indeed and Google Business.

Am I eligible to get support from you?

We offer accommodation and support to male adults aged 18 and over who are or have previously been homeless and are eligible to claim housing benefits. For more details please see our Referral page.

Still need help?