Our Approaches

Psychologically informed support service

Our service is designed to account for the experiences, background, thinking and emotions of service users in order to understand where their behaviours come from. Consequently, we are able to plan effective interventions that support behaviour and life change.

Lived Experience Advisory Group (LEAG)

Our LEAG is comprised of males that have experienced homelessness and/or the challenge of reintegrating into mainstream society after serving a prison sentence. The role of the LEAG is to ensure that the support Safe Space provides is relevant and appropriate for all service users. The LEAG works closely with the

Operations Director to recommend effective interventions and ensure the organisation remains accountable to the needs of our service users.

Holistic, person-centred case management service

From the point of referral, our service users are invited to a needs assessment and pen portrait session. The needs assessment is designed to identify what aspects of service provision are best suited to the service users needs. The aim of the Pen Portrait is to capture the voice of the service user, giving them the space to tell their

own story, feel heard, and outline their goals.

Ongoing monitoring, evaluation, and review

Every aspect of our service delivery undergoes a quality assurance review. The purpose of which is to assess the efficacy of support and identify shortcomings or areas of risk in order to continually improve practices and overall service provision.

Partnerships and multi-agency approach

Safe space is committed to effective partnership and multi-agency working to not only improve outcomes for our service users, but also to share information and good practice and therefore improve standards and service provision throughout the sector.

Check out the more Approaches

We will achieve our goals by implementing the following approaches into our delivery model.

Evidence Based Approach

In the 2021-2024 Reducing Reoffending Plan for Yorkshire and the Humber, HMPPS has committed to working with partners throughout the region, in order to meet three priority areas for supporting prison leavers: accommodation, employment, and resettlement.

Evidence shows that the risk of reoffending is reduced significantly through the provision of stable accommodation and access to rehabilitation services that support prison leavers to re-enter and settle within their communities.

Through our experience in delivering accommodation and support services, and the input of our LEAG, we understand that empowerment and independence are achieved not only through the provision of safe accommodation but also mental/physical health and wellbeing support, access to training/employment opportunities and the development of positive, healthy relationships.

At Safe Space Housing our aim is to reduce the risk of recidivism through comprehensive, person-centred support in the following areas:

  • Safe, secure accommodation
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Social engagement
  • Employment/training
  • Substance misuse/addiction

The Support Programme

The support programme is designed to address the needs of the service user across the 5 target areas. Key milestones are identified under each area for the service user to work towards, enabling them to take accountability of their own progress and ongoing development.

To ensure the programme is person-centred and relevant to the service users’ needs, implementation of the programme is flexible; there is no specific order or time limit. Rather, our support workers will work with service users to identify the areas of the programme that are appropriate to their needs and work towards realistic, achievable, and measured goals.

Every service user has a tailored support plan, detailing their specific needs, desired development outcomes, and activities to support these outcomes. These individual support plans are developed using the information captured at the initial needs assessment and pen portrait stages. The support plan and service user’s progress are regularly reviewed, assessed, and updated to ensure that the support is effectively meeting the service user’s ongoing needs.

Support Workers

Support Workers work alongside our service users to equip them with the skills to live and support themselves independently; empower them to achieve their development goals and aspirations; and reduce their social exclusion.

Every service user is assigned a support worker who works directly with them to identify their needs, develop an effective support plan, and implement the activities specified in the support plan.