Complaints Policy

At Safe Space Housing, we strive to provide tailored and effective support to meet the needs of our service users. We aim to ensure that our services are continually improving;

should there be any area of our support or service provision that you are dissatisfied with, you can contact us through the complaints procedure.

Complaints Procedure
Informal Complaint

In the first instance you should speak to your Support Worker if you have any complaints, they will do their utmost to resolve any issues in a reasonable manner.

If the complaint is regarding your Support Worker, please speak to the Housing Administrator who will direct your complaint to the appropriate department.

Formal Complaint

If you would like to make a formal complaint, you must either submit this in writing to your Support Worker, the Housing Administrator (if the complaint is regarding your Support Worker) or email:  Once we have received your complaint, we will aim to respond within 14 working days.

If you are not satisfied with the response or resolution to your complaint, you can appeal in writing within 7 days. If you submit an appeal, the Senior Management Team will review your complaint, along with any supporting evidence, before coming to a final decision.

To ensure a fair and transparent process, the individual against whom a complaint is made will not be permitted to be part of the informal or formal complaints procedure or resolution process.