Confidentiality is of the utmost importance and is especially critical given the vulnerable status and complex needs of Safe Space Housing service users.
Matters concerning the internal affairs of Safe Space Housing, including personal details of staff and service users should not be shared outside of the organisation.
In relation to service users’ personal details, background, and any safeguarding issues, this information should be kept between the relevant Support Worker and the management team, except in extenuating circumstances.
In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Data Protection Act 2018, any records, support plans, or other documentation containing sensitive and personal information about service users should be stored securely (password protected for soft copies, in a lockable cupboard or room for hard copies), and destroyed appropriately when the
information is no longer needed.
Confidentiality should not be mistaken for secrecy. The principles of confidentiality are in place to safeguard and promote the interests of service users and should not be confused with those designed to protect the management interests of the organisation. If the principles of protecting the interests of an organisation are at odds with the welfare of service users, the welfare of the latter must take precedence.
In certain circumstances, it may be necessary to share and disclose the personal/sensitive information of our service users. This is permitted under legislation, provided that the following
provisions are met:
Wherever possible, the service user must give informed consent for their information to be shared, this means the service user is fully aware of and understands:
There are occasions when information needs to be shared whether consent is given or not:
The flow chart below provides a useful overview of the information-sharing process and deciding whether to share information.
If staff are concerned or unsure about sharing information, they should seek advice from the Service Manager.